Saturday, October 30, 2010

I'm A Mummy

No, not a mommy yet, just a mummy. This is how I prepare for a "walk-jog", which is what I'm down to these days. No more than three miles and I usually start out walking. Before I begin I wrap my belly in two ace bandages. This helps support the growing bump. Kinda looks like the making of a mummy. Appropriate for Halloween, I would say. :)

Where did I get this idea, you may ask? One of my doctors said his wife does it so I thought I would try it. Works great! Although I think I need to add another bandage to the mix...

Friday, October 8, 2010

24 Weeks and Growing

We are GROWING! This last Monday our baby boy and I went to the doctor for our 24 week check-up. All looks good and here are some stats:

- His heartbeat - 138 bpm
- He's about a 1 lb and 1/3
- He's about 12 inches in length
- Mom's blood pressure is 116/63
- Mom's weight is on target - 15 lbs so far!

See, I told you we were growing. The belly is stretching like crazy. Getting up off the ground has become more challenging. I'm still running a little but I'm super slow and I don't go very far (Mom can attest to this!) I'm happy to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather we're having though.

Sleep has become a little more interesting these days. Aside from getting up a few times during the night (due to the call from nature and late night parties going on in my belly) I find I need an extra pillow to keep me stable and level. Without it I wake up with some serious back pain! And rolling over makes me giggle...I'm soooo sloooow.

Our little man is still very active, moving all the time. Austin's even been able to feel a few kicks and punches. We are really enjoying the journey!