Tuesday, January 25, 2011

40 Weeks and Still Pregnant

That's right, we're still pregnant! We had our 40 week appointment today and all looks fine but he remains snuggled up.

We have spent so much time preparing for this little one yet the one thing I didn't prepare for was a late arrival. Physically, it's not that big of a deal. Yes, I'm uncomfortable but I can take it. Psychologically, this is my biggest hurdle by far. For one, I'm READY!! I want to meet this little guy and I actually thought he would be here early...he's teaching me already.

What's worse is my anxiety of being induced. Those who know us, know our approach. We decided to go with a natural childbirth. It's not just opting out of an epidural or other drugs, it's an entire approach to the process. It means allowing things to happen naturally, within reason of course. Currently we are scheduled for an induction on February 2nd, one week after our due date. This is considered a completely normal practice but now that we are faced with the reality, it's got me freaking out a little. I truly believe that your body is ready when it's ready (again, barring medical complications and risks.)

After a great discussion with our doctor today (whom I LOVE!) she is willing to let us go possibly one week beyond our induction date as long as the baby and I remain in healthy condition. This means they'll monitor us and his environment multiple times a week and we'll cut bait if we have to. This, I can live with.

So, needless to say we'll just take one day at a time. Thank you to all of you for your support, prayers and love. While it may feel like time is standing still we know this only temporary!

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